ezŠÀ2'/opt/psa/admin/bin/filemng' 'psaadm' 'file_exists' '/opt/psa/var/modules/composer-advisories/security-advisories-master/sebastian/cli-parser'ˆ/opt/psa/admin/bin/filemngˆ°+­˜äUX+­˜äUˆpsaadmˆà+­˜äU +­˜äUˆfile_existsˆh,­˜äUÐ+­˜äUˆ/opt/psa/var/modules/composer-advisories/security-advisories-master/sebastian/cli-parserˆ,­˜äU€+­˜äUˆ/opt/psa/admin/bin’á¦ý¯á¦ý’á¦ýÿÿÿÿ#¯á¦ý,­˜äUèæ $output .= sprintf("\n%s%s%s", $prefix, str_repeat(' ', $this->indentation), $row); } continue; } if ($inline - 1 <= 0 || null === $value->getValue() || \is_scalar($value->getValue())) { $output .= ' '.$this->dump($value->getValue(), $inline - 1, 0, $flags)."\n"; } else { $output .= "\n"; $output .= $this->dump($value->getValue(), $inline - 1, $dumpAsMap ? $indent + $this->indentation : $indent + 2, $flags); } continue; } $dumpObjectAsInlineMap = true; if (Yaml::DUMP_OBJECT_AS_MAP & $flags && ($value instanceof \ArrayObject || $value instanceof \stdClass)) { $dumpObjectAsInlineMap = empty((array) $value); } $willBeInlined = $inline - 1 <= 0 || !\is_array($value) && $dumpObjectAsInlineMap || empty($value); $output .= sprintf('%s%s%s%s', $prefix, $dumpAsMap ? Inline::dump($key, $flags).':' : '-', $willBeInlined ? ' ' : "\n", $this->dump($value, $inline - 1, $willBeInlined ? 0 : $indent + $this->indentation, $flags) ).($willBeInlined ? "\n" : ''); } } return $output; } private function dumpTaggedValue(TaggedValue $value, int $inline, int $indent, int $flags, string $prefix): string { $output = sprintf('%s!%s', $prefix ? $prefix.' ' : '', $value->getTag()); if (Yaml::DUMP_MULTI_LINE_LITERAL_BLOCK & $flags && \is_string($value->getValue()) && str_contains($value->getValue(), "\n") && !str_contains($value->getValue(), "\r\n")) { $blockIndentationIndicator = $this->getBlockIndentationIndicator($value->getValue()); $output .= sprintf(' |%s', $blockIndentationIndicator); foreach (explode("\n", $value->getValue()) as $row) { $output .= sprintf("\n%s%s%s", $prefix, str_repeat(' ', $this->indentation), $row); } return $output; } if ($inline - 1 <= 0 || null === $value->getValue() || \is_scalar($value->getValue())) { return $output.' '.$this->dump($value->getValue(), $inline - 1, 0, $flags)."\n"; } return $output."\n".$this->dump($value->getValue(), $inline - 1, $indent, $flags); } private function getBlockIndentationIndicator(string $value): string { $lines = explode("\n", $value); // If the first line (that is neither empty nor contains only spaces) // starts with a space character, the spec requires a block indentation indicator // http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2793979 foreach ($lines as $line) { if ('' !== trim($line, ' ')) { return (' ' === substr($line, 0, 1)) ? (string) $this->indentation : ''; } } return ''; } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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