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Example: * * [php] * // u.id < ? * $q->where($q->expr()->lt('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function lt($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::LT, $y); } /** * Creates a lower-than-equal comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a <= . Example: * * [php] * // u.id <= ? * $q->where($q->expr()->lte('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function lte($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::LTE, $y); } /** * Creates a greater-than comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a > . Example: * * [php] * // u.id > ? * $q->where($q->expr()->gt('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function gt($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::GT, $y); } /** * Creates a greater-than-equal comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a >= . Example: * * [php] * // u.id >= ? * $q->where($q->expr()->gte('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function gte($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::GTE, $y); } /** * Creates an IS NULL expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be restricted by IS NULL. * * @return string */ public function isNull($x) { return $x . ' IS NULL'; } /** * Creates an IS NOT NULL expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be restricted by IS NOT NULL. * * @return string */ public function isNotNull($x) { return $x . ' IS NOT NULL'; } /** * Creates a LIKE() comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be inspected by the LIKE comparison * @param mixed $y The pattern to compare against * * @return string */ public function like($x, $y/*, ?string $escapeChar = null */) { return $this->comparison($x, 'LIKE', $y) . (func_num_args() >= 3 ? sprintf(' ESCAPE %s', func_get_arg(2)) : ''); } /** * Creates a NOT LIKE() comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be inspected by the NOT LIKE comparison * @param mixed $y The pattern to compare against * * @return string */ public function notLike($x, $y/*, ?string $escapeChar = null */) { return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT LIKE', $y) . (func_num_args() >= 3 ? sprintf(' ESCAPE %s', func_get_arg(2)) : ''); } /** * Creates an IN () comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The SQL expression to be matched against the set. * @param string|string[] $y The SQL expression or an array of SQL expressions representing the set. * * @return string */ public function in($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, 'IN', '(' . implode(', ', (array) $y) . ')'); } /** * Creates a NOT IN () comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The SQL expression to be matched against the set. * @param string|string[] $y The SQL expression or an array of SQL expressions representing the set. * * @return string */ public function notIn($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT IN', '(' . implode(', ', (array) $y) . ')'); } /** * Builds an SQL literal from a given input parameter. * * The usage of this method is discouraged. Use prepared statements * or {@see AbstractPlatform::quoteStringLiteral()} instead. * * @param mixed $input The parameter to be quoted. * @param int|null $type The type of the parameter. * * @return string */ public function literal($input, $type = null) { return $this->connection->quote($input, $type); } }